Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Kristu Jyoti Province - India

Frs. Infant & Luie Ordination

Newly Ordained Priests of our Province

Fr. Infantraj sss

In this memorable journey of ordination initially disrupted by a flood on the intended day, the rescheduled ceremony on the 7th of December unfolded as a joyous occasion, leaving an indelible mark on my spiritual path. Symbolizing a metaphorical flood akin to Noah’s biblical tale, the delay tested patience and dedication, enriching the tapestry of the ordained journey. The guiding motto, “Always with You,” gained profound significance, emphasizing an unwavering commitment to constant support, empathy, and companionship. The delay underscored the divine nature of the ordained path, reinforcing the resilience needed to fulfill a higher purpose. Inspired by St. Peter Julian Eymard’s devotion to the Eucharist and deep connection with the divine, this ordination signifies triumph over obstacles and a new era dedicated to serving others. Deep gratitude is extended to all instrumental figures who ensured the successful rescheduling, embodying the collaborative spirit fundamental to this shared journey. As Fr. Infantraj sss embark on this transformative chapter, guided by the motto and the enduring spirit of St. Eymard, he thanks and express profound gratitude to all who have been part of this resilient and inspiring journey. We wish him all the best wishes and prayers.

Fr. Luie Desouza sss

Fr. Luie Desouza’s priestly ordination, centered on the profound significance of the Eucharist as crucified Love, embodied the teachings of our founder, St. Peter Julian Eymard. With the theme “To live and to grow in the Eucharistic love” and inspiration from the scripture “I am the vine, and you are my branches” (John 15:5), the ceremony became a transformative experience. Thoroughly prepared through a retreat, he sat in contemplation before the Blessed Sacrament, drawing strength from past Eucharistic blessings. The divinely celebrated ordination by Archbishop Francis Kalist marked a moment of profound joy, signified by the laying of hands and the donning of the vestments. Presiding over his first thanksgiving Eucharist, he shared the Lord’s blessings with gratitude, acknowledging His constant guidance, love, and mercy. The ordination represents not only a personal milestone but a commitment to a lifelong journey as a humble servant at the Eucharistic altar, seeking to live and grow in the profound love of Christ.

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