Vocation Congregation Of Blessed Sacrament
Office of Vocation
Almost everyone at some point in his life asks the question: what should I do with my life? Christians often put it in the form: what does God want me to do with my life? What is my vocation? Vocation to Marriage or Vocation to God?
In our world today, suffering strikes rich and poor, religious, and irreligious, small, and great and, the just and unjust. Virtually everyone experiences sufferings, hungers, and thirsts of world. Suffering plagues our world, it affects us physically, psychologically, and emotionally crushing our body and spirit.
Man is always fighting his fellowmen, Political ineptitude, corrupt leadership, war and rapid population growth, inefficient farming, building on the farming lands, inadequate transportation in many of the poor villages, ecological calamities, broken relationship, starvation, diseases.
Jesus came proclaiming that his mission was to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, and he did putting an end to the suffering of that time. Today again he looks at the world’s suffering and looks at each one of us. Speaks to us “I’m deeply grieved” looking at the world. He needs a hand to join with him he is waiting and longing for someone.
“When a friend desires to prove to his friend that he loves him, he tells him so, and he presses his hand affectionately. When Our Lord wants to show His love for us, He does so in person, discarding the intervention of any third person, whether angelic or human – says St. Peter Julian Eymard
Eucharistic Jesus looks at you, loves you and says to you YOU are lacking in one thing “Come and Follow me”: you are chosen by God “In one day the Eucharist will make you produce more for the glory of God than a whole lifetime without it. It is the Eucharistic vocation; it is meant for you “To be possessed by Jesus and to possess Him – that is the perfect reign of Love.”
Eucharist has got every answer to every problem, and it is capable of giving us foods to all our hungers because it has the fullness and overflowing core of love because it is the divine storehouse everyone draws out of it all the blessings.
He is calling you to serve, love and be witness.
Do you feel invited and called for the Eucharistic mission?
Do you feel you can pay heed to the agony of people?
Do you feel that you can do something for poor and needy?
Are you with good health?
Do you possess ordinary talents?
Are you reasonably independent?
Do have normal piety?
Do you enjoy spirit of sacrifice?
Have you discovered spirit of zeal in you?
Do you know that you have spirit of detachment?
Are you sure that you have a desire and a conviction to be a priest or religious?
Then you are the right person to be men on fire setting Eucharistic fire all corners of the world.
Why wait?
Why waste your time?
Why still thinking?
Come at once and join us with free will and commitment.
The congregation of the Blessed Sacrament welcomes you with the garland of Eucharist. The Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament, a religious Congregation within the Roman-Catholic Church, was founded in 1856 in Paris by Saint Peter Julian Eymard. It is an apostolic Congregation of Pontifical right, composed of priests, deacons, and lay-brothers, with representatives in 29 countries in 5 continents. We are in the Province of Kristu Jyoti India.
Join SSS
Join Jesus in the Eucharist
Join in transforming the world.
To contact
Fr. Stephen Raj sss
Cenacle (Karunalayam)
No: 1. Noombal Road,
Velappan Chavadi,
Chennai -Tamil Nadu- 600077
E-mail : stephenrajsss16685@gmail.com
Cell: 9841361249
Fr. Antony sss
Congregation of Blessed Sacrament,
Blessed Sacrament community,
SLBC road post,
Nalgonda district – 508 001.
Telengana state
Cell: +91 9600256861
Community no: +91 817996681
Fr. Luie Desouza sss
Infant Jesus Church
Blessed Sacrament Community
Sengole Nagar
Olaikuda – PO
Tamil Nadu – 623526
Cell: 9962371665
Email: desolu93@gmail.com
Vocation Director
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Vocation Team
Andhra & Telangana
Vocation Team
Tamil Nadu & Karnataka
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