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O’ St. Peter Julian Eymard, behold your child in prayer, we have come to plead for a special favour through your powerful intercession, we acknowledge that through your gift of self to the Eucharistic Lord, you sought God’s will in all things by abandoning yourself to Him.
O’ St. Peter Julian Eymard, we plead you to present our petition to our Lord in the Eucharist. O Dear Saint, we love you; we place our trust in you with child-like faith and through the gift of self, that your prayer for the healing grace of God is most powerful. We trust that your prayers for us will be answered.
Hear and grant our special need……………………(Remember those down with cancer) cure them from malignant cells in their body with the power of the precious body and blood of the Eucharistic Lord. Help them, O Dear Saint that they may also accept the will of God for them in their present suffering. Through the intercession of the Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, and for the glory of God. Amen.
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