Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Kristu Jyoti Province - India

Bro. Beskilin – Final vows ceremony at Tembipada.

Final Vows Celebration of Bro. Beskilin at St. Anthony’s Church, Tembipada

On a day filled with deep spiritual significance and joyful celebration, St. Anthony’s Church, Tembipada, witnessed a remarkable event as Bro. Beskilin made his final vows in the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament on the 5th of October, 2024. The occasion, held recently, marked a profound milestone in Bro. Beskilin’s journey of faith and dedication, bringing together the parish community, priests, religious, and laypeople in a celebration of commitment to God’s service.

The ceremony began with a solemn Holy Mass presided over by Rev. Fr. Provincial Peter Jayakanthan sss, along with several priests of the congregation of the blessed sacrament concelebrating. The altar was adorned beautifully, with the serene atmosphere creating an ambiance of prayerfulness and devotion. As the congregation gathered, the readings of the Mass spoke powerfully of God’s call to service, perseverance, and the sanctity of offering one’s life for the mission of Christ, setting the tone for the occasion.

In his homily, the provincial superior reflected on the profound commitment of the religious life, particularly within the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament, emphasizing the Eucharistic charism that defines their mission. He spoke about the importance of a life rooted in the Eucharist—living in deep communion with Christ, the source of all strength and grace, and sharing the love and compassion of God with the world.

As Bro. Beskilin came forward to make his vows, the church fell into a deep silence, underscoring the gravity of the moment. With hands raised towards the altar and eyes fixed on the Eucharist, he promised a life of poverty, chastity, and obedience. His final vows promising was a powerful declaration of his desire to live entirely for Christ, in accordance with the spiritual legacy left by St. Peter Julian Eymard, the founder of the congregation. The vow formula, solemnly pronounced, moved many to reflect on their own spiritual journey and relationship with Christ.

After the vows, Bro. Beskilin received the religious insignia of the Blessed Sacrament Congregation—a symbolic reminder of his new life as a full member of the congregation, wholly dedicated to Eucharistic devotion and the ministry of the Church. The congregation erupted in applause, acknowledging not only the commitment of Bro. Beskilin but also the beauty of religious life itself.

The celebration continued with the Eucharistic celebration and a solemn thanksgiving prayer, offered in gratitude for God’s calling and the gift of religious life. Bro. Beskilin, now consecrated, expressed his heartfelt thanks to his family, formators, and community members for their constant support, prayers, and encouragement throughout his formation journey.
A reception followed the liturgical celebration, where parishioners, friends, and well-wishers gathered to congratulate Bro. Beskilin. The warmth of the community was palpable as they shared in this joyous moment, with many offering words of encouragement and promises of prayers for his future ministry.

The final vows of Bro. Beskilin at St. Anthony’s Church, Tembipada, served as a reminder of the power of God’s call in our lives and the beauty of living a life wholly dedicated to Christ and His mission. As he embarks on his new journey as a full member of the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament, the community rejoices, knowing that his witness will inspire others to deepen their own commitment to faith and service.

The final vows celebration of Bro. Beskilin was made even more special by the efforts of the parish community and the dedicated team at St. Anthony’s Church, Tembipada. A special word of thanks goes to Rev. Fr. Peter Fernandez SSS, the parish priest, and his entire team for their tireless work in organizing and coordinating the event. Their meticulous planning, support, and hospitality ensured that this sacred occasion was celebrated with dignity and joy, bringing the entire community together in prayer and thanksgiving. May God continue to bless them for their dedication and service to the Church.

May God bless Bro. Beskilin abundantly as he continues his journey in the service of the Eucharist and the Church.

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