Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Kristu Jyoti Province - India

Ordination to Diaconate: A Sacred Step in Service

Ordination to Diaconate: A Sacred Step in Service

In a solemn and joyous ceremony at St. Francis Xavier’s Chapel, Colaba, four brothers—Bharath, Beskilin, Solomon, and Rajkumar—were ordained to the diaconate by Bishop John Rodrigues of Pune on the 6th of October , 2024. This milestone marks a sacred step in their journey toward the priesthood, as they commit themselves to serving the Church through the ministry of the Word, the Eucharist, and charity in the congregation of the blessed sacrament.

The intimate setting of the chapel provided a spiritual ambiance for the occasion, with the faithful gathered to witness this important event. Fr. Peter Jayakanthan, SSS, the provincial of the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament, Kristu Jyoti, was present, further enriching the celebration with his support and prayers for the newly ordained deacons.

Bishop John Rodrigues, in his homily, spoke of the profound significance of the diaconate, reminding the candidates that their new role is one of humble service, following in the footsteps of Christ, who washed the feet of His disciples. He emphasized that their lives, rooted in the Eucharist, must now radiate the love and compassion of Christ to all they serve. The bishop’s words were both inspiring and challenging, urging the deacons to embrace their mission with sincerity and dedication.

The Rite of Ordination was a deeply moving part of the liturgy. The four brothers knelt before the bishop, who laid his hands upon them, invoking the Holy Spirit to bestow the grace needed for their ministry. This sacred moment was followed by the vesting with the stole and dalmatic, traditional symbols of the diaconate, marking their new responsibilities to proclaim the Gospel and assist at the altar.

Fr. Jesu Augustine sss, the in-charge of the chapel, played a key role in ensuring the smooth organization of the event. His careful attention to detail and dedication to the candidates made the day truly memorable. The presence of the religious community, family, and friends added a spirit of unity and prayerful support for the deacons.

As the newly ordained deacons—Bharath, Beskilin, Solomon, and Rajkumar—stood before the congregation, they were met with warm applause, a sign of the community’s joy and gratitude for their commitment. They would now serve the Church as ministers of the Word and Eucharist, bringing the light of Christ to those they encounter.

During the Eucharistic celebration, the deacons assisted at the altar for the first time in their new roles, a powerful symbol of their dedication to the service of the Church. Their families and well-wishers looked on with pride, knowing that these men were embarking on a profound journey of service.

After the liturgy, the newly ordained deacons expressed their heartfelt gratitude to Bishop Rodrigues, Fr. Peter Jayakanthan, SSS, their formators, and all who had supported them on their path to ordination. They acknowledged the pivotal role of their families, the formators, the religious community, and the wider Church in nurturing their vocations.

The celebration continued with a reception where the community gathered to congratulate the new deacons, sharing in their joy. The event was a testament to the power of prayer, dedication, and the strength of community in supporting vocations.

As Deacons Bharath, Beskilin, Solomon, and Rajkumar embark on this new chapter of service, they carry with them the prayers and blessings of the entire community, confident in God’s grace as they prepare for the next step in their priestly formation.

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