Dear Brothers of the Province of Kristu Jyoti, India.
I am deeply grateful to God for the rich opportunity of visiting your Province, however brief, and nurturing the bonds of communion and brotherhood that unite us as the Family of Father Eymard.
The main focus of the visit was the formation communities which is an expression of the vitality and growth that the province is accomplishing. The organization of meetings with the religious of the nearby communities were also moments of growth and an opportunity to pray and reflect together on the challenge of building more unity and communion in the province.
The meeting with the Provincial Council gave us the opportunity to reflect more deeply on some important aspects of the growth and administration of the province, as well as on some challenges that need to be faced.
The life of the Congregation, as described in the Rule of Life, has its meaning in living – witnessing – and proclaiming the mystery of the Eucharist (RL n° 1). We always remember that the first proclamation we can make of this Mystery is our witness of life. The world is full of words, modern society is accumulated of images that often substitute reality. It is the examples of life that really remain and build history. I wish that the strength of the Eucharistic Mystery that we celebrate and adore every day continues to strengthen the personal testimony of each sacramentine brother (Blessed Sacrament Religious), qualifying even more the community witness, always at the service of the Church and God’s beloved people.
May the building of fraternity, together with the lay men and women who make up Father Eymard’s beloved foundation, the Aggregation of the Blessed Sacrament, help you to continue to ‘Eucharistize’ your lives and society.
With a heart full of gratitude for your fraternal welcome, I assure you of my prayers for each one of you and for the Province.
Melbourne, October 8, 2022
P. Eugenio Barbosa Martins sss
Superior General.