Beloved Sisters and Brothers in the Eucharistic Lord,
“We are members one of another” Eph 4: 25 is the invitation from Holy Father Pope Francis for our approach to social media and internet. The dignity and respect for each person need to be realized and practiced while interacting in the digital world. It should lead us to liberate us from various clutches not to entrap oneself or the other.
“To know the richness of the Eucharist and to make known it to the entire world” is the staunch dream of our founder St. Peter Julian Eymard of the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament. Our international communities make effort to celebrate the Eucharist meaningfully, to adore it profoundly, to proclaim it prophetically and to live it as one Eymadian family.
“The Eucharist is everything because from the Eucharist everything is”- St. Peter Julian, He was deeply captivated by the love of Jesus in His Eucharistic presence and calls us to live the total Eucharist. I invite you to be part of our Eymardian family through your prayer before the Eucharistic Lord, by reading the writings of St. Peter Julian and having a contact with us.
I thank our media team led by Fr. Infantraj sss, Mr. Loganathan, Mr. Vikram and Mr. Sebastian for this dynamic website.
St. Peter Julian Eymard, The Apostle of the Eucharist and the Eucharistic woman our Blessed Mother may lead us to live the Eucharist and draw others to be united with bread broken and blood shed along with our realities.

Rev. Fr. Peter Jeyakanthan sss,
Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament,
Kristu Jyoti Province – India.